GTA Online players on the older platforms haven't been able to purchase Shark Cards since September 16.
RELATED: The Best Improvements In GTA: The Trilogy's Latest Patch Now that time is almost upon us, and if you are one of the few still playing on those platforms, you have until December 16 to wrap things up. Rockstar announced that the servers for the game's OG versions would be no more before the end of 2021 earlier this year. That's because later this month, the servers for GTA Online on PS3 and Xbox 360 will be permanently shut down. If you're still playing GTA 5 on the consoles it was originally created for, you might want to invest in a next-gen copy when it's available.
The Trilogy, which includes remastered versions of GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas, launched last month, and the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S versions of GTA 5 will be here in Match 2022. I do not know what causes this inconvenience but if I would like to support me to fix it as I would like to play those titles online It shouldīe noted that I can play another title online without any problems and the copies I have of the Games Resident Evil 5 and 6 are D Igitales and are installed in the console's internal memory.Even though Rockstar hasn't launched a new and original game in the series since 2013, it's a busy old time for Grand Theft Auto right now. I thought it was game error until I let it go and I bought the Resident Evil 6 and it happens exactly the same. I tried to reinstall the game, switch off MO console holding the button 15 seconds, is plugged directly into the light without extensions my console, in a matter of electric current is fine. Static very Serious, and at 10 seconds sends me to the beginning of the Xbox. Very good night Xbox team, I have a small big problem to want to play Resident Evil 5 online because when wanting to join or create a game, at the moment to stop the search the screen freezes completely and listen to the game audio AutoCAD feels like out Quedó muy al pendiente y espero me puedan ayudar Mi consola esun Xbox One fat edición Halo 5: Guardians de 1 TB de memoria. Desconozco lo que provoque este inconveniente pero si me gustaría que me apoyarán a solucionarlo ya que me gustaría jugar esos títulos en línea Ĭabe destacar que puedo jugar otro título en línea sin ningún problema y las copias que tengo de los juegos de Resident Evil 5 y 6 son digitales Y están instaladas en la memoria interna de la consola. He intentado reinstalar el juego, apagar mo consola sosteniendo el botón 15 segundos, está enchufado directamente a la luz sin extensiones mi consola, en cuestión de corriente eléctrica está bien.Ĭreí que era error del juego hasta que lo deje pasar y me compré el Resident Evil 6 y pasa exactamente lo mismo. Si fuera estática muy grave, y a los 10 segundos me manda al inicio del xbox.

Muy buenas noches equipo de Xbox, tengo un pequeño gran problema al querer jugar Resident Evil 5 online ya que al querer unirme o crear una partida, al momento derealizar la búsqueda la pantalla se congela totalmente y se escucha el audio del juego como